About The Invention

The Global Portfolio App

The Global Portfolio™ APP is not just an APP but a complete system. In this day and age investing in your own personal future is very important and essential. Retirements are at an all-time low, and the economy is suffering. This idea could and if you use it will prepare you for that event. Proposed by inventor Michael Olson this application is a one stop shop for anyone trying to invest their earnings. Not everyone knows about investing, not everyone knows about stocks or about the difference between global and emerging markets. More importantly not all of us know about the risk and return of investing our money. 

This application/company makes it easy to learn. With multiple packages from bronze to platinum which offer different benefits this application can help you invest in smart ways.  There are specialists on standby who can help you with your comparisons and give you advice on what you should invest in, even after you take the investment questionnaire at the beginning when you sign up.  Also if you don’t like trying to work on your investments alone there is a brokerage database attached to the app that will have live links to the companies who choose they want to invest in them.

These companies can help you with all of your investing needs should you feel like you would like some extra help. It also includes a retirement projection calculator. This application is an investment for your investments and is something that is marketable to anyone who wants to help themselves with ensuring their future is one where they no longer have to worry. Michael Olson has truly created a marketable service that is worth every penny that is paid.

Product Images

About the Inventor

Michael Olson

About the Developer

The inventor, Michael Olson lives in Sturgeon Bay, WI and had an idea for a better tool for investing in a way that outperforms financial advisers. Michael contacted the Mars Rising Network and had a provisional and design patent application filed and had the invention designed properly so that he may see success with this great idea and turn it into a real product.

He is actively seeking a company that would have an interest in licensing the product for a royalty. 

Michael Olson

Contact The Inventor

Michael Olson

Phone: (320) 818-0999
Website: www.investmentsolutionsroi.com

Contact By Email

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