About The Invention

Introducing Hunker Bunker Roof Anchor

Hurricanes and the destruction they cause are a fact of life. When we see the
news after a hurricane, the images are generally the frames of houses that have had
their roofs blown off.
There isn’t much we can do to prevent deadly storms but we can mitigate the
damage by exercising precautions.
Introducing Hunker Bunker Roof Anchor. Hunker Bunker Roof Anchor is an innovative system that helps keep your roof anchored where it should be and not add to flying debris!
Wind uplift force can take some roofs off at around 80 mph which is evident by the damage after storms; this is a frequent occurrence. Hunker Bunker Roof Anchor has been successfully tested up to 1200 lbs. mechanical uplift force. That is 500 lbs. more than some building material minimum requirements!
Lightweight, strong, and affordable, Hunker Bunker Roof Anchor anchors the plywood edge of your roof to the bottom of the truss and out of view. We can’t prevent the often deadly force of nature but we can be better prepared and minimize;
• Loss of life
• Loss of property
• Insurance costs and claims
• Disaster clean-up dollars
• Landfill space, etc.,
…with Hunker Bunker Roof Anchor.
“Impact windows don’t mean much if your roof blows off !!!”

Product Images

About the Inventor

Randy White

Inventor and long time resident of Florida, Randy White has seen and experienced first-hand, the destruction that hurricanes can produce.

Knowing that much of the damage is caused by roofs blowing off, he came up with a method of keeping roofs anchored more securely in place and therefore reducing the overall damage.

He created an effective device, had it tested and contacted the Mars Rising Network. With their help a provisional patent application was filed and now this great idea is on its way to production! He is actively seeking a company that would have an interest in licensing the product for a royalty.

Randy White

Contact The Inventor

Randy White

Phone: (561) 271-0984

Contact By Email

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