About The Invention
Introducing the Beeping Charger™
Helping you prevent the needless loss of the chargers for your devices.
This locator and alarm system is an invention and phone application that as been proposed by Ms. Sherama Buchanan. This alarm is a great system for anyone who is even the slightest bit forgetful. The actual device is connected to your cell phone via the downloadable application.
It is a little round speaker that has two buttons on it, a Wi-Fi sync button and a power button. You can stick the speaker to any object after it is synced up. Once synced and attached you now have the ability to either set off the alarm for the device remotely. The way you do this is through the cell phone application under the devices attached page. Once there scroll through the list of devices till you find the one you are looking for, then you select the button that says find device. Once that button is pressed the speaker on the device will start to sound and will continue to sound until it is turned off or it is dismissed by the person who set it off.
The second way this device works is by using distance from the phone. You set the distance in the settings screen and once you reach that set distance away from the speaker unit itself. A signal will be sent to your phone that sets off an alarm notifying you that you are leaving the device behind. It will also begin to set off the attached speaker and can be dismissed if you so choose from your phone. This device is extremely useful and extremely marketable to anyone. There is no set demographic who will purchase this because it is something we can all use and it is simple and easy to use.
Product Images

About the Inventor
Sherama Buchanan
The Beeping Charger
The inventor, Sherama lives in South Carolina and had an idea for stopping the needless loss of chargers due to being left behind in airports and hotels. Sherama contacted the Mars Rising Network and had a provisional patent application led and had the invention designed properly so that she may see success with this great idea. She is actively seeking interested parties for possible investment and licensing agreements for this product.

Sherama Buchanan
Contact The Inventor
The Beeping Charger
Sherama Buchanan
South Carolina
Phone: (417) 365-6232
Website: www.thebeepingcharger.com
Contact By Email